California Questions

The excitement of getting ready to head off on a trip...  

For our virtual Arund the World trip, my students have started to pack their bags, using a sheet where they write their packing list after our class brainstorming. At the same time, they have been writing questions to send to our "virtual host" in California. Here are the questions that they have written, plus one or two added by me. None of the students seem to know anything about California and are very curious. For some reason, they seem most interested in candy, beaches and deadly creatures. I am looking forward to info, tips and opinions that our "virtual host" will be sharing in their film, which will be our "official arrival" at that destination.

Here are our first questions:

1. What’s your favorite candy? Is there any special candy in California? Have you been to

the m&m store? Is there a candy factory near you?

2. Where is your favorite beach? What do people do there? How often do you visit the

beach? Have you ever surfed ?

3. How long have you lived in California? Where do you come from?

4. What is your city like? What would you show us if we visited in real life? What do you

think we would like to do there?

5. What is your favorite restaurant?

6. What is the deadliest creature in California? Which wild animals have you seen?

7. What can you tell us about school in California?

8. What else would you like to tell us about California?


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